- if you pay by Standing Order and have not adjusted this to reflect the new membership rates, a very polite request asking you to do so!
- for those who, according to our records, have not paid their subscription for the current year an equally polite request to pay. If outstanding subs are not paid by the end of November, then you will be removed from the register
All members will also have received a standing order for completion to join the 1876 Club. This is money that will be used in the first instance to secure our position as Thistle Partners, and thereafter to increase our shareholding in the club. It's a win-win situation - increasing our ability to influence as well as providing much needed funds to the football team.
If you have any queries about the information you have received, please contact Membership Secretary Fiona Harvey. Likewise, if you think you should have received something from us but have not yet done so.
Any cheques and/or standing order forms can be handed to one of the Trust Board in the Aitken Suite prior to the game, or can be left at Firhill in an envelope clearly addressed to the Jags Trust. We will be looking to pick up any mail delivered to Firhill on our behalf on a weekly basis so it should not take long to get to us.