Wednesday, 18 February 2009

Meet The Manager

The Jags Trust is holding another 'Meet the Manager' event at Firhill on Thursday 26th February 2009 which will give you the chance to quiz Ian McCall on how things are going this season and on his plans for the future.

The event starts in the Aitken Suite at 7.30pm and will be compared by Lance Gilmour who will be familiar to all of you as the voice of Firhill at every home game. Questions can be submitted in advance on, by e-mail direct to We will also be taking questions on the evening as well if you prefer to hold your fire until then.

Admission will be free to paid-up Jags Trust members. Non-members can gain entry by joining the Trust on the evening. (Any members who are partially paid for the current year - commonly, those paying by Standing Order - will be harassed in the nicest possible fashion for the balance of their subscription). If last year is anything to go by, it's likely to be a very popular event, so it's first-come, first-served on the door.

We will also be running a raffle to win some signed footballs and signed Club shirts and there will also be a special mystery prize! So, would Ian consider playing Harkins in defence? Should we stick with 3-5-2? What key players will the manager rely on in the closing stages of the title race? Get the date in your diaries and bring yourself and your mates along for what will prove to be a very interesting evening.

Centenary Fund Winners For February

Details of the winners in the first Centenary Fund draw are available on the official club website

Monday, 16 February 2009

And There's More.....

We are pleased to confirm that Sandy Wilkie has agreed to resume the role of Chair of the Trust until the end of the current year. As you will know, Sandy carried out this role until the 2008 Annual General Meeting when he indicated his desire to stand down.

In addition, the Trust Board have also co-opted two new members to the Board. Past member Tom Hosie returns after an absence of about a year, and Donald Larmour represents a further injection of young blood into our activities. Both will serve until the end of the current year when they will be eligible to put themselves forward for direct election by the members

We wish all of them the best of luck in the coming months

Thursday, 12 February 2009

News From the Trust Board........

The Trust Board met for the first time on Monday night for the first time since the Special General Meeting which agreed that the Trust should support the Centenary Fund by 42 votes to 33.

As you may be aware Greig Forbes, Colin Quinn and Raymond Rose have all resigned from the Trust Board in the light of that decision as they felt sufficiently strongly that they did not feel able to continue to serve. Whilst the remaining members of the Board regret their decision, they do go with our thanks and best wishes.

Some of Monday’s meeting was spent on refocusing our activities to reflect the new situation that we find ourselves in. We will be looking to make a number of announcements as a result of this in the near future, including some additions to the Trust Board to replace the departing members.

With regard to the Centenary Fund, all current members of the 1876 Club have been contacted to obtain their consent for ongoing payments to be made to the Centenary Fund.

We had also indicated that we would be conducting a final draw for the 1876 Club and I can confirm that the winners are:-

  • 1 pair of full hospitality ticket at a 2008/9 home game of their choosing to F.N. Walker

  • 1 pair of Thistle Partner hospitality tickets for home fixtures in March to

    Bill Copeland for 7 March 2009 v Clyde
    Neil Roden for 22 March 2009 v Dundee

  • £50 voucher for Greaves to Tommy McMillan

  • And, finally, a £50 voucher for Borders to Fraser Murray

We will be contacting the winners directly with further details about their prizes.

Further information will also be contained in the next Newsletter which will be distributed to members within the next week or so.