Another exciting prize has been secured for 1876 Club members!
In conjunction with Glasgow Tigers we are pleased to offer the following: A family day out (for four people) to an agreed meeting at Ashfield in 2009 which would include entry to the Stadium, a chance to meet the riders and a pits tour and a chance to watch one heat from the centre green, right in the heart of the action!
The Tigers season starts up again in March 09 and this will be one of our additional monthly draw prizes, so sign up to the 1876 Club now and give yourself a chance to win!
In addition we are in conversation with Borders to see if we can have our discount arrangement for all 1876 Club members extended to all Scottish stores.

Thanks to Borders and to Glasgow Tigers for their continued support. And thanks to Ian Adam (www.ianadam.co.uk) for the great photos.
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