Tuesday, 7 July 2009

Micro supporters clubs

We're looking for volunteers who would be willing to act as the lynchpins in a JT initiative to try to "get organised". Basically the idea is to copy the Edinburgh and East of Scotland Supporters club model in other areas, for example East Kilbride, Duntocher/Hardgate or Clarkston/Shawlands.

We'd like to arrange a trip by a couple of the Edinburgh folk to any interested group, so that they can explain the way it works, what it takes to run and how it gets funded. The JT will give a small start up grant to groups of fans who want to take up this offer, essentially just to get a bank account up and running and then you will be left to your own devices.

It's not "running a bus" - it's probably easier and much more informal than that, but to get it to work it will need a few folk who probably already know each other and who are prepared to put in a bit of effort at the start.

Send us your details via the link at the top of the screen if you are up for it, your e mail is a good start and we will get back to you.

We're also looking for students at Glasgow and Strathclyde who would be willing to set up supporters clubs via the Student Representative Councils. If you set up a "proper" club you will get a grant from the SRC and representation for your club at freshers week.

Again, a bit of hard work and organization will be needed at the start to get it going, but after that it should be easier. The JT are happy to help out with any aspect that we can. Send us your e mail address if you are interested and we will do the same mentoring visit to your embryo group, since the principles will be the same.

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