Thursday, 29 October 2009

Race Night & Centenary Fund

Prior to the game against Raith Rovers on Saturday there will be the opportunity for people to purchase horses and/or tickets for the Race Night on the 27th of November. These will be available for purchase in the Aitken Suite before 2pm and at the kiosk between sections 6 & 7 in the Jackie Husband Stand in the build up to kick off and during the half time interval.

Tickets for what should be a very enjoyable evening are priced at £5, horses can be purchased and named for £2. There is still an opportunity for an individual or company to sponsor a race at a cost of £50. Our most recent sponsor is The British Waterways Board and we extend our thanks to them. Should you be interested in sponsoring a race or have any questions about the Race Night then please contact

There will also be another opportunity for people to sign up for the Centenary Fund at the kiosk prior to kick off. The 2 games so far where this facility has been available have seen £80 worth of new membership added, so lets get through the £100 figure on Saturday!

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