Tuesday, 10 November 2009

Hospitality Draw!

With the New Year quickly approaching, what better way to welcome 2010 than by enjoying the excellent hospitality on offer at the first game of the year at Firhill against Greenock Morton?

The Trust are happy to announce that they will be having a draw in December and the lucky winner will receive hospitality for 4 at the game on 2nd January 2010. To be part of the draw all you need is to be a "paid up" member of the Jags Trust by the 1st of December!

So if you have already renewed your membership or joined for the first time then you don't need to do anything (apart from cross your fingers). Don't worry though if you have not got around to renewing your membership yet or have forgotten to join up (you know you want to) as you can still do so by following the instructions on the "Join" page of the Trust website

Good luck!

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